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How to effectively prevent carbon monoxide poisoning?

Time: 2024-04-25

01、Ensure adequate ventilation: When heating equipment such as coal stoves and charcoal fires are used indoors, it is important to ensure that doors and windows are not all closed by plastic film, and that sufficient gaps are left to ensure indoor air circulation, thus preventing the accumulation of carbon monoxide. Regularly opening windows for ventilation is necessary to keep the indoor air fresh.


How to effectively prevent carbon monoxide poisoning?


02、 Choose compliant heating equipment: Before going to bed every day, you must check whether the fire is properly sealed, whether the lid is tightly closed, whether the damper is open, and whether the smoke evacuation channel is unobstructed.


03、Regular inspections: Proper installation and use of heating equipment such as coal stoves and charcoal fires is essential. The water heater should be installed in a well-ventilated outdoor area, and should be used to avoid completely closing the bathroom doors and windows, while controlling the bathing time, so as not to be too long.


04、away from hazardous materials: coal, stoves and other heating equipment should be kept at a safe distance from flammable, explosive, volatile toxic and hazardous substances.


05Install carbon monoxide alarm: It is recommended to install carbon monoxide alarm in the living environment and regularly check whether its function is normal. Once the alarm sounds, open the windows immediately for ventilation and quickly evacuate to a safe area.

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